Local Bus Transit Services | 321Transit - Paratransit Services
Paratransit services serves the mobility needs of those who are unable to utilize fixed routes by providing wheelchair accessible Paratransit vehicles, which carry passengers throughout Brevard County on a daily basis.
1-Ride Paratransit Fare is paid when boarding. Exact change is required, as the driver is not equipped to make change. 1-Ride Paratransit Fare is a $1.50. A 10-Ride Paratransit Pass is $15.00 and must be purchased in advance.
Reduced fare and discounted passes must be verified for eligibility prior to being issued. All passes are non transferable. Those eligible for a reduced fare include transportation disadvantaged, seniors (60+), veterans and students.
Service area
Brevard County, FL
Agency info
Bus transportation throughout county. Can make reservations for transportation to doctor and other needs.